Review: Duke Actually


4.5 castles out of 5

I loved this, it was so much fun! This was one of those books where I knew it was going to be a favorite even before the first chapter was over. The writing is sharp and the characters are quickly and fully realized. Max and Dani are amazing and I loved their banter and the rapport they have. Dani’s lack of awe for Max’s position had me cracking up. (And Max liked it too which made me like him even more.)

A couple of my favorite things from the book:
  • The Dirty Dancing lifts
  • ‘Max Maximus’ & ‘Max Minimus’
  • “Dukish casual”
  • The MC’s BFFs who are loving and supportive but don’t let them get away with any bullshit
This book surprised me because the premise is super Hallmark fairytale Christmas movie, which is not normally my thing, but somehow it felt thoroughly grounded in real life with plenty of depth. I did feel like a subplot involving Max’s brother was left a little… unresolved. But overall it is fun and funny and delightful and adorable and super sexy. Highly recommend! 

Pub date: Nov 16, 2021

More info & links to order here

Thank you NetGalley and Avon/Harper for providing the digital arc. 


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