Early Review: The Godparent Trap by Rachel Van Dyken

The Godparent Trap by Rachel Van Dyken Pub Date: July 19, 2022 Forever/Grand Central // 4 🦋 out of 5 // I loved this so much! It was hilarious, adorable, romantic, heart breaking, and heart-warming. Rip and Colby have both lost their best friends (Rip’s sister Monica and her husband Brooks) in a tragic accident and they are committed to raising the two small children that were left behind. Rip and Colby do their best to become replacement parents for their friends’ kids and it’s both heart-rending and heart-warming to watch them give their all to these sweet children who are barely old enough to understand what’s going on. But they aren’t a couple, can barely stand each other, and worse, they deal with their grief in very different ways. They have opposite emotional reactions and there is growing resentment on both sides because of it. Van Dyken writes with humor but doesn’t skimp on the emotional core. The way she simultaneously blends heartbreak and laugh-out-loud funny i...