Book Mail! A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland

Book Mail days are always exciting and this was an especially exciting delivery! 

You may have seen my recent post on A Taste of Gold and Iron. It’s an amazing book and absolutely one of my favorite reads of the year. So of course I had to have a physical copy!

I googled to see if there were any special editions coming out (as one does) and discovered a couple small UK companies offering one. But of course I’d missed the bus on both as they’d both been small runs and offered via presales several months earlier. So when my Booksta bestie Ditte informed me that Broken Bindings, one of the UK booksellers offering a special edition of ATOGAI, had received their stock and was putting up for sale the limited number of extra copies they had available after fulfilling the preorders, I considered it for a bit as it was slightly out of my budget but then I caved. And I was lucky enough to snag one! And I am so so glad I did.

Broken Bindings’ edition is signed by the author (and a very cool signature it is), has an exclusive dust jacket, foiling on the hardcover, beautiful sprayed edges that match the cover, a cool bookmark, and was wrapped like a Christmas present so beautifully in gold paper and a black satin ribbon that I hardly wanted to open it.

Hand signed by Alexandra Rowland with a beautiful stylized “AR”:

The “naked” hardcover is as exquisite as the contents of the book:

I very much want (and intend) to do a re-read of this soon as the author has said that they added 10k words to the book after the ARCs were finalized and sent out so there’s new content in it I haven’t read! I’m very excited to get to it but I almost don’t want to read this version. It’s too pretty! (But I probably will anyway.) 

📚  💻  📚  💻  📚 

You can find The Broken Binding on social media
Twitter: @binding_broken
Instagram: @thebrokennbinding [there are two “n”s in broken, it’s not a typo]

And Alexandra Rowland
Twitter: @_alexrowland
Instagram: @_alexrowland


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