ARC Round-up: 2022

 2022 was a year where I spent a great deal of time reading and reviewing ARCs (advance reader copies). I didn’t always get all the books I requested (Edelweiss is particularly brutal) but I did get approved for a truly amazing selection of great books. 

Pictured below are most of the ARCs I received this year from NetGalley. [NetGalley only; I didn’t include the one I was sent via Edelweiss (You Made a Fool of Death With Your Beauty) or the one I got directly from an author (Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots).]

All told, if my counting is right, I left reviews for a total of 30 books in 2022.

I DNF’d (Did Not Finish) a total of 5 of them.

I’m hoping to pull back on how many I request in the coming year because reading and reviewing on a deadline, no matter how much time I’m given, becomes like work and I’ve found that reading obligations put me in a reading slump. I’m much too much of a mood reader to be able to read and review to someone else’s timeline. 

If you request ARCs, how do you manage them? Do you put a limit on how many you request, or do you just go with the flow?


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